• Lime Agrumato, a lime infused olive oil in a dark bottle, green label and Lisadurne Hill brand

    Lime Agrumato – 250ml


    A taste sensation combining lime and olive fruits making this a perfect dressing for Asian, Spanish, seafood and dishes where you want a zesty lime dressing. Impress your guests at the next dinner party with a Lisadurne Hill lime agrumato.

  • 100ml small bottle of mosto cotto made in Australia by Lisadurne Hill

    Mosto Cotto – 100ml


    Grape juice is called a ‘must’. When it is reduced by heating, it is a ‘cooked must’ or as the Italians say “mosto cotto”. The production of mosto cotto is always the first step in making a true balsamic vinegar.

  • Lisadurne Hill Classic Balsamic Vinegar 100ml clear, short bottle with wax top

    Classic Balsamic Vinegar – 100ml


    Our Australian classic balsamic vinegar is seriously yummy. You’ll be surprised how good it is. We blend our mosto cotto with a high quality red wine vinegar. It then spends over 7 years in a series of wooden barrels known in Italy as the ‘batteria’ (French oak, American oak, cherry, chestnut, mulberry and juniper). It then gets stored in a 80L oak barrel with a tap, waiting to be transferred into one of our cute little 100ml Italian balsamic vinegar bottles.